Announcements and Q/A will happen via Discord. Projects will be submitted/graded through Gradescope. Grading will be handled through ELMS.
Students are expected to watch or attend weekly lecture. Resources that will help you with the conceptual material and projects will be available in the 'Resources & Reading' column. If you are unfamiliar with material or need a review, please feel free to schedule office hours with either instructor through Discord.
Week | Lecture & Reading | Project | Resources & Videos |
1 |
Introduction & Logistics
slides Redstone Basics c1.3 |
Tutorial Island - Due 2/7 project 0 |
Minecraft & Redstone Basics, Project 0 Demo old video
Setup/Installation link Join the Discord in announcements! |
2 |
Logical Gates
slides Logic Gates Chapter c2 |
Logic Gates & Adders - Due 2/28 project 1 |
Logic Gates Explained matbatwings
Join the Discord (link in ELMS) if You Haven't Already! |
3 |
slides Adders Chapter c3.1 c3.2 c3.3 |
Logic Gates & Adders - Due 2/28 project 1 |
Compact Adder video matbatwings video |
4 |
Encoders, Decoders, Multiplexers
slides Encoders and Decoders Chapter c3.4 c3.5 |
Logic Gates & Adders - Due 2/28 project 1 |
Decoders in Minecraft video Output Bus in Minecraft video |
5 |
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
slides ALU Chapter c5 |
Arithmetic Logic Unit - Due 3/14 project 2 | MattBatWings ALU Video |