CMSC389E, Digital Logic Design through Minecraft is a Computer Science course at the University of Maryland which strives to teach students the principles and theory of digital logic in a fun, novel way. Students will leverage the popular sandbox game, Minecraft, as a learning tool as they build the basic components of a 2-bit computer, including an ALU, RAM, ROM, Clock, etc. Course curriculum is adapted from Alexander Brassel's 2019 offering of the course, and heavily borrows from CMSC250 (Discrete Structures) and ENME244 (Digital Logic) at UMD.
Class will be held once a week, aiming to teach both the theory and the practical applications behind digital logic. With that in mind, we break up the instructional period as follows: During the weekly lecture, we will present on a concept of logic design. Then, we will demonstrate the implementation of the concept on a Minecraft server, allowing you to engage with the material in the virtual world. After each lecture, we will provide additional information through online resources on Discord for the practical portion of the course. Every two weeks, following two lectures, you will receive a project that explores practical applications in Minecraft, which will be due before the next project is assigned. We reserve the right to extend project due dates.
Your instructors for Spring 2025 will be Amrit Magesh and Minsi Hu.
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